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Phi khamot (¼Õâ¢Á´)
            This phi is probably called "thamop" in Cambodian. The phi khamot is a will-o-the-wisp, which is a phi appearing at night in marshy places. It does no direct harm to people but lures them by its luminous lights from place to place until they lose their way. The Cambodian word for phi is khamot. The Thai have taken this word to mean in particular the will-o-the-wisp phi, while the Cambodians name any phi that emits light "thamop". Compare the word "thamop" with "chamop" in old Thai Laws; plainly they are phonetically the same, But the Thai phi chamop must be of a different nature from the will-o-the-wisp phi which is harmless; for phi chamop as inferred from the old Thai Laws was a malignant spirit.